
Prayer Page

In order to reduce the "clutter" on the daily post pages, and to reduce the work load of constantly updating minor parts of the prayer journal and such, I have transferred it here.  Hope it makes things more readable!


Standing order:
URGENT: My White Blood Cells are getting very diminished.  Please pray that they are restored and my immune system does not get too depleted.
Healing from the colon cancer and metastasized liver.
Complete renewal of relationship with my wife (that I can communicate effectively and love her as she deserves, that we can fall in love all over once again).
Health and safety of my children.

Blood Pressure has been elevated. New med added (trial) to scripts. Not reducing as well as I had hoped, but will wait for PA and Dr. to determine if enough.  Having an increase instances of orthostatic hypotension (head rush/dizziness when standing).
Going to add fasting to my treatment regiment.
Good weather, clear traffic, safe travels as wife returns to GA.(She made it safely!)
My personal/spiritual growth.
My motivation to work-out. (1 Timothy 4:8-NIV "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.")

Praise/Thanks Report:
Returning to work on Sunday (8/26/12).
Tumor Marker count from blood test has reduced nearly in half!! PTL
Pending visit in early August of wife and children (They are here!  Very EXCITING.)
Medical bills which are accumulating (to date, one outstanding, payment plan set up).
Received Dr Note to return to work.  Hoping it goes well.
Wife made it home safely.  Working on plan to be together again for a GA visit by me.
Started new med in chemo run. This one is intended deplete blood supply to tumors, may also cause spikes in my blood pressure (constant monitoring during administration, no issues- Thank You Lord!!).
No side effects during this round of chemo!! Thank you Lord!
Dr. said running will not be an issue. I can do any exercising I think my body can handle (just need to NOT overdo it and was re-advised SUNSCREEN SUNSCREEN SUNSCREEN!!! ).


  1. Continued prayers coming your way Don!!! So happy to hear the family is coming, hope you have an awesome time with them.

    1. Thank you Laura. I appreciate all I can get. With out the prayer, I do not want to think where I could be right now.

      Rejoice and be glad.
