Sunday, December 23, 2012

No More Tears...

I have been seriously remiss in the consistency of posting here lately. In general, life has managed to get in the way and/or I have chosen to better utilize my time in areas that I hold more dear (spending time with my family while they were here).

Now that they have returned to GA for the time-being, I hope to gather my thoughts and regain some momentum in my writing. 

Recent events at the Sandy Hook Elementary school have caused sadness, outrage, and also ignited the emotions of this divided nation over the issues of public safety and gun control.  I am avoiding the controversial topics and will only address sadness.

A recently read verse has struck a chord with me and I wanted to share some thoughts.

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.
Revelation 21:04 (KJV)
That is a promise.

That is something I love about the Bible, it holds our promises together for us to read through and find comfort in times of need.  We need the comfort frequently (at least I do). 

I admit to being a publicly stoic and generally sarcastic individual who displays to the world that little affects me.  In my line of work there is a certain stoicism that prevails.  None of us wish to be perceived as "weak".  So we go about life with an air of hubris and often display "gallows humor" during difficult/tragic situations.  But it is only a mask.

Upon hearing the news of this tragedy and reading the rhetorical question of "How can someone shoot a child?" my initial thought was "just aim a bit lower."  That is terrible, I admit, so please do not think less of me (if that is even possible).  It is a way of dealing with grief and a defense mechanism.  Once I returned home that day, I immediately hugged my children and held back tears for the victims and of joy that mine were safe before me.

One day, when I finally take off the mask, Jesus will be there to wipe the years of tears away.  The sorrow and the pain will be swept away.  I will be comforted.

You can too.  Put your trust in Him.  Believe on him who is the only One who has the power to provide all you truly need.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

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