Monday, August 27, 2012

Through a Glass, Darkly...

I rarely look out my household windows.  I am somewhat of a recluse when I am alone.  I prefer dark, not really big on "natural lighting." However, sometimes I decide to open the blinds to let in a little light and I ALWAYS notice that my windows seem dirty.

I currently live in the high Chihuahuan Desert of West Texas at about 4,500 feet elevation.  It is usually pretty dry around here and the wind blows a lot.  It is NOT uncommon to experience dust storms in the spring and summer time.  The combination of windy and dusty goes a long way to contributing to my dirty windows.  I DO NOT ENJOY LOOKING OUT DIRTY WINDOWS, and I do not like washing windows either.

Dirty windows never give a pleasant view.  Dirty windows can obscure our vision.

I have been reading 1 Corinthians 13 quite often lately across several different translations/transliterations/ paraphrases of the Bible.  I am trying to surround myself in the knowledge of what LOVE is so I can live out what LOVE is.  While reading today, the phrase that is the title of this post stood out to me, as well as the rest of the verse.  1 Corinthians 13:12 (KJV):
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
Right now, no matter how much we study, how hard we try, we are still looking for and at God with our human eyes which equate to looking through dirty windows; we can never fully and clearly picture what and who God is.  There will come a day, when the veil of the dirty windows will be removed.  Our spiritual eyes will be opened and we will see in person, God.  Our current, limited understanding will be replaced and we will know God as He knows us (completely).

WOW! I want to wash my windows right now and just catch a glimpse of God. I want to know!

But, alas, now is not yet that time... Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Dear Father, the anticipation of knowing is hard Lord.  Grant me the patience to endure the wait.  I desire to see You face to face and know You completely, even if it will take an eternity to process the glory and beauty You are.  Thank You, Father, for this promise

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